
Showing posts from July, 2020

Pico-8 #2

I finally published something!      Finals have been keeping me busy! Despite the finals I managed to play with Pico-8 a little bit. Instead of diving head first into a large project like I usually do I decided to start off small. I made a simple multi-player pong clone. It's not done yet since I want it to have a single-player mode as well. I have published it to the  Pico-8 forums  you can find my game  here . I'll also leave some links at the bottom.  What I learned     I learned a lot about organizing code in Pico-8. Noticed some obvious flaws in the simple "one step forward" style collision check. Unsurprisingly just checking if you're going to be in a collider in the next frame is not enough for fast moving objects. Learned about the process of publishing your Pico-8 games. Current Plans     I just want to be done with my finals before I commit to anything large. However I do want to make a simple top down shooter that I could later use to make a Wolfenstein